The Baseball Cube


1985 Rochester Red Wings

1985 Rochester Red Wings

International League (AAA)

minor franchise
Red Wings
58-81 (.417)
Silver Stadium
att rk
year range
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1985 Organization Affiliates
*Reload page to restore grid
Grid Actions:
Tips/tools for using data gri ds:

  • Manual Filter: Single-click a row to highlight in orange. Click FILTER ROWS button to show only those rows in the grid
  • Quick-Filter: Double-Click on a cell value to filter the grid on rows that have same value in same column. Click a statistic to view all values equal or higher
  • Select Rows: Single-click rows to select multiple rows for future action or visibility.
  • Hide Rows: Click the` minus sign in the first column to hide the row in the grid.
  • Restore Rows: Once rows are filtered, click RESTORE ROWS to show all rows once again
  • Sort: Click a column in the first header row to sort data by values in that column. Click again to reverse the original sort. Some cells have custom sort keys that will sort them logically instead of alphanumerically.
  • Compare/Analyze: Click multiple rows for players of interest. In addition to filtering, you can quickly COMPARE player stats or use the MULTI-PLAYER STAT VIEWER to view multiple player cards on the same page.
  • Leaders: On stat grids. Top-10 ranked statistics are highlighted in gray. #1 rank is in light green. (PREMIUM setting)
  • Export to CSV: Click CSV to convert the full grid into a comma-delimeted display. From there, you can copy/paste to another application.
year minor team league level   g   w   l wpct gbl rf ra diff rank lgrk manager ballpark playoffs
1985 Baltimore Orioles AL MLB 161 83 78 .516 16.0 818 764 54 4 7 Earl Weaver, Joe Altobelli, Cal Ripken Memorial Stadium dnq
1985 Rochester Red Wings IL AAA 139 58 81 .417 20.5 568 614 -46 7 7 Frank Verdi, Mark Wiley Silver Stadium dnq
1985 Charlotte O's Sou AA 143 78 65 .545 0.5 745 619 126 2 3 John Hart Crockett Park Lost in Finals
1985 Hagerstown Suns Caro A+ 137 65 72 .474 28.5 534 570 -36 3 4 Greg Biagini Municipal Stadium dnq
1985 Newark Orioles NYPL A- 77 41 36 .532 5.5 357 331 26 3 6 Art Mazmanian Colburn Park dnq
1985 Bluefield Orioles App Rk 70 36 34 .514 8.5 353 345 8 4 4 Mike Verdi Bowen Field at Peters Park dnq
Organization Totals -- -- 727 361 366 .497 -- 3375 3243 132 -- -- -- -- --