The Baseball Cube
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Baseball Research Applications

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The research applications listed below are available to TBC PREMIUM subscribers. The applications provide some basic tools to mine the baseball data on the site.
Research Table of Contents
Compare biographies and statistics for between 2 and 25 players
Search aggregated MLB or Minor League stats over a selected date range
MLB Batting and Pitching historical research tool.
Minor League Batting and Pitching historical research tool.
NCAA Batting and Pitching historical research tool. D1 since 2002, other divisions since 2017.
Full history of the MLB draft available for analysis
View players based on common biography/career attributes
View at-bat level data for any MLB batter/pitcher matchup since 1957
Research pre-season prospects rankings collected from over the years.
TBC has all pro player movement transactions since 2012.
View an MLB or Minor League Roster at any given point in time since 2012
Find players who played on selected teams
Research historical MLB games based on selected filters
View any Baseball Card scan in the TBC online collection.